Our goal is to be an independent provider of agricultural products and services guided by these four principles:


Personal: We shall create and maintain an atmosphere of caring and commitment in order to provide quality services to our customers. 

Professional: The main strength of our company is our staff. We shall earn our customer's, vendors, and community’s trust and confidence in our abilities while fostering continuous education and evaluation to achieve the highest standards.

Progressive: We shall analyze and integrate new technologies to assist us in better servicing our customers, and vendor’s needs. Our facilities will be comfortable and inviting for both our customers, vendors and team members. 

Partnership: We shall develop and maintain good working relationships with our partners (companies, customers, service organizations, and community) by listening, evaluating and responding.


Our Story

Direct Enterprises Inc. was founded in 1996 by Dennis Tauchen and William Haubner. Through our dedicated staff and relationships with our vendors we have been able to expand our product and service offerings to the agricultural industry.